How to make your Goals

2 min readDec 10, 2021

Have you ever made your Goals, this blog will tell you the importance and How to set up a Goal? This content has been made after reading Atomic Habits and listening to Sonu Sharma.

💡 Importance

Goals are important because our brain forgets to do things, although this is a good habit. So, if you want to focus on one thing you have to set up your Goals.

🃏 Changing Identity

Goals are not for achieving primarily but for changing our Identity.

Example 1: I will read this book.

Example 2: I will become a reader.

Example 2 will make read a second and many books.

🤩 Focus on Systems

Many people forget to focus on systems. As per James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. Goals are direction but the System is a process.

Example 1: I will win this marathon.

Example 2: I will become a runner.

Example 2 is more focused 🧠.

⚠️ Deadline

A dream with a deadline is a Goal without a goal, we will never able to complete it due to Parkinson's Law.

Example 1: I will buy a car.

Example 2: I will buy a car on 1 Jan 2021.

Our brain 🤯 will prioritize the second example 2.

Thank you for reading this blog. If you manage to implement these You are a genius. YOU CAN READ THIS BLOG ALSO




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